Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Jupiter in the 9th gives India victory !

Providence ( Jupiter in the House of Fortune ) saved India yet again. Master Batsman Sachin Tendulkar got Man of the Match Award for his blistering 85, but then he had as many as six lives.

Four Paki fielders let him off, Misbah, Y Khan, Afridi and Akmal. He survived two close calls for lbw and stumping. Today was his day.

Let us see the astrological factors.

Yesterday was Dhanishta, his kshema tara or 4th star or Lucky Star. But Dhanishta, which ruled for 57 Nadis ( 23.5 hours ) or right throughout the day was not so good for India or Dhoni. For Dhoni, it was his vipat tara, or adverse star. Hence the nervousness of the Indian spectators and viewers !

For Sehwag, this was his sampat tara or favourable star. Even though he scored only 38, he hit the premier Pak bowler, Umar Gul, for five fours in one over. He hit Gul off his length !

When we analysed, we knew that some factors were adverse and we did remedial measures to overcome those adverse factors. We knew that the Transit positions of Jove and Saturn are benign and so ultimately India will triumph. ( As for me, I fasted in the afternoon, as I badly needed an Indian triumph. I indulged in prayers and meditation right throughout the day and relief came from tension at 1000 PM ).

For Pak, the transits of Jupiter and Saturn are not so benign. Jupiter in the Tenth is Dasame Darika Vadham or adverse for their Ego. Saturn in the 4th is also disconcerting and affected their batting performance in this WC. Not even one Paki batsman had scored a century and they were reckoned formidable because of their excellent bowling !

On 25th, Mars moved over to Pisces, ending some bad luck for India. After then Indian bowling became efficient and fielding improved. Indian fans were afraid that bowlers and fielders might put Sachin & Co down ! But in the QF and SF, Indian bowling and fielding rose to the occasion. The mighty Australians were restricted to 260 in QF and in SF, Pak were bowled out for 231 !

On 30th, yesterday when India won, the Birth Number is 3, represented by Jupiter. Hence it is safe to assume that it was the No 3 in Numerology, or Jupiter in Astrology favourable, which gave India victory. It was also a diplomatic victory, as the Indian and Pak PMs shared lunch together and we hope many bilateral issues will be resolved !

Friday, March 18, 2011

Panic not as Super Moon will not harm Earth !

Now that Super Moon has already harmed ( the tsunami ), it will not harm
furthur !

Here we give the dates of the Super Moon from 1950 to 2050

November 10, 1954
November 20, 1972
January 8, 1974
February 26, 1975
December 2nd, 1990
January 19, 1992
March 8, 1993
January 10, 2005
December 12, 2008
January 30, 2010
March 19, 2011
November 14, 2016
January 2nd, 2018
January 21st, 2023
November 25, 2034
January 13, 2036

To make one revolution of the earth, the moon takes 27.3 days . Since, as the earth has motion and has moved in the heavens, it takes further two days to catch up with the earth. ( Full moon-new moon lunar cycle takes 29.5 days.

The moon's orbit around the Earth is elliptical, and its orbit is inclined at 5.14 deg to the elliptic (earth's path around the sun) with a substantial eccentricity of 5.49 percent (earth's is 1.67 per cent). The Moon at Super Full Moon will be at 217 K kms and at Apogee it is more than 300 K. A difference of more than 100 K kms. The Moon will be Full when it is near Perigee and will appear brighter. Yesterday Moon was a great sight in the heavens.

Jupiter in Pisces will see to that the Earth is not harmed. The Sun Moon
Opposition takes place in Pisces/Virgo and Jupiter is there, posited in
Pisces. Hence we dont see any devastation happening on the 19th in US and
20th in India !

Anyway the Gayathri mantra should be recited for the welfare of humanity !

Jove will save Earth !

Should one worry about the Super Moon? NO!

The Super Full Moon occurs when Sun is in Pisces and Moon comes diametrically opposite at ( 180 degree from the Sun's longitude ) Virgo. This is the Full Moon, the Pournami of Indian Astronomy.

Now Jupiter in Pisces is the Redeeming Grace. Jupiter, the indicator of Divine Grace will save this planet from catastrophes.

Some devastation has already taken place, as the Tsunami hit Japan on the 11th. Still Japan is in a mess. Burning nuclear rectors , earthquakes and tsunamis ravaged Japan and Japan looks like a devastated area.

Jupiter is the divine planet, the wisdom planet and He will not allow this planet to be destroyed !

It will not be the end of the world, as some Doomsday theorists make out. Vedic Astrology does not support Doomsday theories. The sum total Energy in the Universe is a constant and cannot be destroyed ! So no end of the world !

One need not bother unnecessarily about this phenomenon. There were Doomsday theories that the world was going to end in 2000 ! ( There was one grand father of Pongo Twistleton in Wodehouse, who gave all his shirts and pants to a passerby, saying that the end of the world was coming at 1030 AM sharp ! ).

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Sun Moon Opposition !

The Sun Moon Opposition is called Pournami in Sanskrit, when the Moon is 180 degrees away from the Sun.

The Sun Moon Conjunction is called Amavasya in Sanskrit, when the Moon is conjunt 0 degrees with the Sun.

The Super Moon is a Full Moon. The Super Moon is a term coined by the astrologer Richard Nolle.

Yesterday, there was an earthquake in Japan, measuring about 6 on the Richter scale. Japan is devastated by explosions in nuclear reactors, earthquakes and tsunamis or harbour waves !

In 2005, Tsunami struck fifteen days before the Super Moon date. This time almost one week before.

One has to be wary of this week.

Super Moon devastates !

Those who decry Astrology should see the post on Super Moon which we posted on 10th. The Tsunami ( japanese for harbour wave ) struck on 11th, causing widespread destruction.

The Super Moon is a Full Moon. Full Moon means that the Moon is away from the Sun in Opposition and New Moon means the Moon is near the Sun in conjunction.

This phenomenon is known to astro savants and to the Indian mind, Astronomy, Astrology and Mathematics are epistemically correlated.

Some people, due to the influence of Anti Paganism, decry Astrology. This is because during early childhood, they have been taught by the ignorant priesthood that Astrology is hog wash !

The priesthood, sunk in Nescience, believes in the phenomenon of water turning into wine and such irrational miracles. They believe in the Immaculate Conception, which is not physiologically possible ! Another dogma is the Resurrection, which is not scientifically possible.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Tsunami caused by Super Moon ?




The Lunar Perigee ( when the Moon is closest to earth ) is called Supermoon and is believed to cause earthquakes and natural disasters.

That Moon causes tides is well known and Supermoon may affect tides.

On Mar 19, the Moon will be 221,567 miles from earth, the nearest point in 20 years.

There were Superomoons in 55,74,92 and 2005 and these years were characterised by extreme weather conditions.

Weatherman John Kettley said about the phenomenon on Mar 19th."A moon can't cause a geological event like an earthquake, but it will cause a difference to the tide. If that combines with certain weather conditions, then that could cause a few problems for coastal areas."

Astrologically, Sun will be at 334 degrees and Moon at 143 degrees.

As a remedial measure, the mantra of the Moon Om Saum Somaya Namah can be chanted. Also the Gayatri mantra, as natural calamities affect the psyche of universal humanity !

Om Bhoo Bhuvah Swah
That savithur varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi
Dhiyo yo no prachodayath
Some astronomers, who decry Astrology, says there wont be much problem during this phenomenon of Extreme Super Moon.

We are giving the Anti Thesis ( to the Astrological Theory of Lunar Perigee) here, the opinion of Pete Wheeler
of the International Centre for Radio Astronomy.

Wheeler stated, "(The Earth will experience) just a lower than usual low tide and a higher than usual high tide around the time of the event, but nothing to get excited about."

"Remember in the past, planetary alignments were going to pull the sun apart. It didn't. Astrologers draw a very long bow most times. Normal king tides are about all I would expect out of this Super Moon prediction," he added.

The Web world is in fact, influenced by the Super Moon phenomenon and this is very much evident in Google trends, a public facility of Google Inc, based on Google Search, that shows how often a particular search-term is entered relative to the total search-volume across various regions of the world, and in various languages.

Within a few day, the Earth could be headed for a big showdown. Some experts also claimed that huge storms, earthquakes, volcanoes and other natural disasters will occur on Saturday, Mar 19. On the very day, the moon will swing around Earth more closely than it has in the past 18 years.

Extreme Super Moon is the term coined by those who are well versed in the Art of the Nine Revolving Heavens ( Astrology ).

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sensex rises due to favourable Saturn & Jove !

The Sensex rose, when the FM announced that FII investment is welcome in Mutual Funds. This will pave the way for billions coming in to the mutual funds sector.

The Sensex rose 623 points yesterday, an inordinate rise. Experts feel that more dollars will find its way into the Indian stock market.

The Budget was said to be populist, but it will not hurt Industry. It comforts the middle class man ( IT limit increased to 1.8 lk ) and Industry.

On the whole, an industry friendly budget and the initial euphoria has led to the inordinate rise of the Sensex !

The FM has done a balancing act, he has to please both Industry and the Common Man.

Ridham Desai, the MD, Morgan Stanley India, said that the move to allow global investors in mutual funds is very positive. Another positive factor is the infra spending of 27% more. He expects a positive impact of 50-60 bps on earnings. He expects the markets, Sensex and Nifty, to perk up by a furthur 20%.

"I think the budget was okay, there was nothing bad in the budget. I guess market expectations were a little bit on the lower side. So, I think there is a sigh of relief that there is nothing untoward in the budget.

I think he has done a decent balancing act. There were a lot of constituencies to serve. I think there is a bit of skepticism on the numbers, maybe the revenue side is a tad aggressive and on the subsidy side, he has been maybe a little bit too aggressive on the downside. So, maybe eventually he is going to have a tough fight on his hand to meet these numbers.

But apart from that, I think there were a few positive takeaways, which the market I don’t think has immediately paid attention to, I don’t see a lot of investors have paid attention to it. This whole thing about the Nandan Nilekani Committee is a very positive signal. The move to allow foreign individuals to invest in domestic mutual funds is positive.

I think there is a fair bit of infrastructure. If we look at the split of expenditure, he is budgeting for a 27% increase in infrastructure spending. Now, in a budget where overall spending is rising 3.5%, that is a huge skew towards a particular sector in terms of spending. Ofcourse the skeptics will come back and say but he didn’t do it last year, he had spending increased last year and he underdelivered. But the fact is that he has chosen to discriminate all his spending basket. He has picked out infrastructure for his spending, which I think is the key area where we need the spending.

So, he is doing the right things. Now, it is all down to execution. It is easy to stand up now and say, “They will not execute and be skeptical about it.” I think the other way of looking at it, which is my way of looking at it, is we will see we will wait and watch and give them the benefit of doubt right now and come back late to check whether the executions have happened or not. So, I am reasonably okay with the budget. I think it is pretty okay for the market."

"The market interest rates, to me, at various levels look like we are almost done. The only caveat here is what happens to oil. In 2008, when oil went up, we responded with the very sharp increase in rates. If oil does go up to USD 130-140 per barrel then that may have some implication on short-term rates. Otherwise, I think deposit rates we are mostly done, lending rates may go up a little bit. The RBI definitely needs to move a little bit maybe another 75-100 bps over the next nine-twelve months, but not a lot left on short rates. I think we are dealing with almost peak rates across various market interest rates."

We had said in our columns that India is running a good time, astrologically. Jupiter in the 9th and Saturn in the 3rd are both favourable. Period wise, India is running Sun Dasa/ Rahu Bhukthi. The ICTT Terminal at Vallarpadam became operational during this phase. Vibrant Gujarat mopped up 450 billion during this time. The Sensex is going up, thanks to the govt allowing global investors to invest in the mutual funds sector. Bullish news will come in during favourable times and during unfavourable times, bearish news ! The markets normally go down after budgets. But this time, due to the pragmatism of the FM, it is otherwise !